Robert F. Rice |
born in 1944
1971: invented Rice coding |
James R. Plaunt |
born in May 1947
1971: invented Rice coding |
Prof. Dr. Robert E. Kahn |
* December 23, 1938
1972: started first developments in packetized speech (for linear predictive coding (LPC)) |
James W. Forgie |
birthday unknown
1972: started first developments in packetized speech (for linear predictive coding (LPC)) |
Dave Walden |
birthday unknown
1972: started first developments in packetized speech (for linear predictive coding (LPC)) |
Aaron D. Wyner |
* March 17, 1939 - † September 29, 1997
1974: wrote paper on source coding over simple networks |
Dr. Nasir Ahmed |
born in 1940
1974: invented discrete cosine transform (DCT, lossy JPEG algorithm) |
T. Natarajan |
birthday unknown
1974: invented discrete cosine transform (DCT, lossy JPEG algorithm) |
Prof. Jorma Rissanen |
* October 20, 1932
1978: invented minimum description length (statistical modelling) and therefore invented arithmetic coding |
Prof. Glen G. Langdon |
born in 1937, † March 11, 2014
1978: coinvented arithmetic coding |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Seitzer |
born in 1933
1979: developed first signal processor for audio encoding with his team |
G.N.N. Martin |
birthday unknown
1979: invented Range coding |
Prof. Wojciech Szpankowski |
birthday unknown
1982: invented a method of channel switching in a computer network |
Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer |
birthday unknown
1983: invented first compressor (RLE) |
Vernon D. Buerg |
* 1947 - † December 30, 2009
1983: founded shareware as a software branch |
Dr. Bishnu Atal |
* May 10, 1933
1985: invented CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction) |
Thom Henderson |
* December 13, 1954
1985: invented ARC format |
Jon Louis Bentley |
born in February of 1953
1986: invented MTF algorithm |
Prof. Daniel Dominic K. Sleator |
birthday unknown
1986: invented MTF algorithm |
Prof. Victor Wei Keh-Wei |
birthday unknown
1986: invented MFT algorithm |
Prof. Peter Elias |
* November 23, 1923 - † December 07, 2001
1987: paper on Interval and Recency Rank Source Coding: Two On-line Adaptive Variable-length Schemes |
The Fraunhofer Audio Team 1987 |
founded in 1987
1987: invented first realtime codec of LC-ATC algorithm (for later MP3) |
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Krägeloh |
born in 1960
1987: Member of The Fraunhofer Audio Team 1987 |
Hartmut Schott |
birthday unknown
1987: Member of The Fraunhofer Audio Team 1987 |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sporer |
born in 1964
1987: Member of The Fraunhofer Audio Team 1987 |
Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer |
birthday unknown
1987: invented first cmp library (BitPack) |
Prof. R. Nigel S. Horspool |
birthday unknown
1987: invented Dynamic Markov Modelling |
Dr. Haruyasu Yoshizaki |
birthday unknown
1988: invented LHA format |
Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg |
born in 1954
1989: finished thesis of OCF algorithm (optimum coding in the Frequency Domain) (for later MP3) |
James Andrew Storer |
birthday unknown
1989: improved dictionary based data compression |
Robert K. Jung |
birthday unknown
1990: invented ARJ & JAR format |
Dr. Jürgen Herre |
born in 1962
1991: added joint stereo mode to ASPEC algorithm (for later MP3) |
Paul G. Howard |
birthday unknown
1991: improved Arithmetic coder |
Prof. Thomas M. Cover |
* August 07, 1938 - † March 26, 2012
1991: wrote book: elements of information theory |
Prof. Dr. Allen Gersho |
born in 1963
1992: wrote book 'vector quantization and signal compression' |
Bulat Ziganshin |
birthday unknown
1993: invented static context modelling |
Nicola Ferioli |
birthday unknown
1993: released first lossless audio compressor |
Eugene Roshal |
* March 10, 1972
1994: invented RAR format |
Mark Nelson |
birthday unknown
1995: wrote The Data Compression Book |
Prof. John G. Cleary |
* October 19, 1950 – † 16 January 16, 2014
1996: paper on entropy of english using PPM-based models" |
Marcel Lemke |
born in 1979
1997: invented ACE format |
Prof. John G. Cleary |
* October 19, 1950 – † 16 January 16, 2014
1998: paper on modelling of english text |
Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer |
birthday unknown
1998: created free exe compressor (UPX) |
Dr. Stuart J. Inglis |
born in 1978
1998: invented Textual Image Compressor (TIC98) |
Jørgen Ibsen |
birthday unknown
1998: invented aPLib algorithm (LZ77) |
Dmitry Shkarin |
birthday unknown
1998: invented lossless image compressor (BMF) |
Charles Bloom |
birthday unknown
1999: improved PPM algorithm (PPMZ) |
Prof. Sergio Verdú |
birthday unknown
1999: wrote book: information theory - 50 years of discovery |
Ken Silverman |
* November 01, 1975
2000: improved deflate algorithm (KZIP) |
Ben Rudiak-Gould |
birthday unknown
2000: invented lossless open-source video codec (HuffYUV) |
Darryl Lovato [SmithMicro Corp.] |
* April 28, 1966
2000: invented ATOM/SITX format |
Edgar Binder |
birthday unknown
2000: invented Distance coding |
Sami J. Makinen |
birthday unknown
2000: improved BWT algorithm (SBC Archiver) |
Dr. Vadim Engelson |
birthday unknown
2000: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (FSD) |
Dag Fritzson |
birthday unknown
2000: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (FSD) |
Prof. Peter Fritzson |
birthday unknown
2000: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (FSD) |
Prof. David J. Harper |
birthday unknown
2001: introduced a novel switching method which can be used to combine two or more PPM models |
Ken Silverman |
* November 01, 1975
2002: created lossless .PNG optimizer (PNGOUT) |
Rainer Nausedat |
* April 21, 1965 – † November 17, 2004
2002: invented SQX 1.x format (Squeez) |
Serge Osnach |
birthday unknown
2003: improved PAQ1 by adding SSE stage between predictor and encoder |
Serge Osnach |
birthday unknown
2003: wrote Sparse model for PAQ (PAQ3N) |
Dr. Matthew V. Mahoney |
born in 1955
2003: improved PAQ: models are mixed now using adaptive rather than fixed weights (PAQ4) |
Dr. Matthew V. Mahoney |
born in 1955
2003: improved PAQ by adding word models for text, audio and image model (PAQ5) |
Dmitry Shkarin |
birthday unknown
2003: improved his PPMd algorithm (DURILCA) |
Frank Schwellinger |
birthday unknown
2004: improved DMC algorithm (Ocamyd) |
Jory Stone |
birthday unknown
2004: created lossless video codec (CorePNG) |
Dr. Dmitry S. Vatolin |
birthday unknown
2004:created lossless video codec (MSU) |
Dmitry Popov |
birthday unknown
2004:created lossless video codec (MSU) |
Frank Schwellinger |
birthday unknown
2004: improved DMC algorithm (Ocamyd) |
Alexander Ratushnyak |
birthday unknown
2004: wrote an x86 model for PAQ (PAQAR) |
Berto Destasio |
birthday unknown
2004: improved PAQ6 by tuning models and adjusting the bit count discounting schedule (EmilCont) |
David Allen Scott |
* June 27, 1946, † January 26, 2016
2004: improved PAQ algorithm by improving arithmetic coder (PAQ6) |
Fabio Buffoni |
birthday unknown
2004: improved PAQ algorithm by making it faster (PAQ6) |
Rainer Nausedat |
* April 21, 1965 – † November 17, 2004
2004: invented SQX 2.0 format (Squeez) |
Sven Ritter |
birthday unknown
2004: co-invented SQX 2.0 format (Squeez) |
Ben Greenwood |
birthday unknown
2004: created lossless open-source video codec (Lagarith) |
Serge Voskoboynikov |
* June 13, 1977
2004: improved PPM & EOL coder (SLIM) |
Shinji Wakasugi |
birthday unknown
2005: invented Switched Linear Prediction (SLP) |
Yaakov Gringeler |
birthday unknown
2005: invented lossless JPEG recompression (Stuffit 9) |
Yaakov Gringeler |
birthday unknown
2005: invented lossless bitmap compressor going to be used in Stuffit Image Format (SIF) |
Dr. Matthew V. Mahoney |
born in 1955
2005: rewrote PAQ, now it uses neural network to combine models rather than a gradient descent mixer, it is 3x faster (PAQ7) |
Alexey Oraevsky (Sound Genetics, Inc.) |
birthday unknown
2005: CTO & founder of lossless MP3 recompressor (SoundSlimmer) |
Dr. Dmitry S. Vatolin (Sound Genetics, Inc.) |
birthday unknown
2005: advisory board for lossless MP3 recompressor (SoundSlimmer) |
David Kharabadze (Sound Genetics, Inc.) |
birthday unknown
2005: Chief Algorithmist for lossless MP3 recompressor (SoundSlimmer) |
Eugene Shelwien (Sound Genetics, Inc.) |
birthday unknown
2005: Mathematician for lossless MP3 recompressor (SoundSlimmer) |
Alexander Zhirkov (Sound Genetics, Inc.) |
birthday unknown
2005: SGT ideologist for lossless MP3 recompressor (SoundSlimmer) |
Dr. Matthew V. Mahoney |
born in 1955
2006: improved PAQ7: better context map & state table and new x86 model (PAQ8) |
Serge Osnach |
birthday unknown
2006: wrote a distance model for PAQ8 (PAQ8jbb) and improved sparse model (PAQ8ja) |
Bill Pettis |
* March 30, 1986
2006: improved PAQ8F text models (PAQ8J) |
Ilya Muravyov |
* July 31, 1984
2006: melted & improved LZ+Ari (LZPXJ, TC) |
Pavel L. Holoborodko |
* February 07, 1979
2006: wrote a PGM model for PAQ8i |
Dr. Martin Burtscher |
birthday unknown
2006: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (DFCM) |
Paruj Ratanaworabhan |
birthday unknown
2006: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (DFCM) |
Dr. Peter G. Lindstrom |
birthday unknown
2006: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (PLMI) |
Dr. Martin Isenburg |
birthday unknown
2006: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (PLMI) |
Christian Martelock |
birthday unknown
2007: heavily improved CM algorithm in both speed and performance (CCM) |
Vladimir Semenyuk |
birthday unknown
2007: improved Stuffit Image Format (SIF) in both speed and performance (used in Stuffit 12) |
? |
birthday unknown
2007: invented fast lossless MP3 recompressor used in Stuffit 12 |
Jan Ondrus |
* May 10, 1985
2007: heavily improved PAQ8 JPEG model (PAQ8Fthis1..4) |
Andreas Morphis |
birthday unknown
2007: heavily improved PAQ8 Bitmap model (PAQ8oSSE) |
Kaido Orav |
birthday unknown
2007: extended PAQ8 Bitmap filter to support 8-Bit files |
Piotr Tarsa |
* May 15, 1988
2007: created one of the fastest LZP+PPM compressors (TarsaLZP) |
Oscar Garcia |
birthday unknown
2007: created one of the fastest LZ77 compressors (Thor) |
Dr. Martin Burtscher |
birthday unknown
2007: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (FPC) |
Paruj Ratanaworabhan |
birthday unknown
2007: invented lossless compressor for IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point data (FPC) |
Matthias Stirner |
* July 28, 1981
2007: created a lossless .PPM and .PGM compressor (PackPNM 0.8) |
Alexander Ratushnyak |
birthday unknown
2007: created and improved a fast PAQ8 compressor (LPAQ) and a text preprocessor (DRT) |
Piotr Tarsa |
* May 15, 1988
2007: improved symbol ranking algorithm (SR2 v2) |
Ilya Muravyov |
* July 31, 1984
2007: invented and improved LZ77+PPM algorithm (LZPM) |
Miroslav Linek |
birthday unknown
2007: created lossless open-source video codec (MLC) |
Christopher Mattern |
* March 15, 1986
2008: created fast content mixer (CMM1..CMM4) |
Takeshi Umezawa |
birthday unknown
2008: created lossless open-source video codec based on HuffYUV (UT Video codec) |
Christian Martelock |
birthday unknown
2008: created a fast and high performing ROLZ compressor (RZM) |
Ilya Muravyov |
* July 31, 1984
2008: improved LZ77 algorithm (BALZ) |
Ilya Muravyov |
* July 31, 1984
2008: invented new algorithm combination BWT+FCM (BCM) |
Christian Martelock |
birthday unknown
2008: created new fast RHSO-LZ algorithm (Slug 1.27) |
Christian Martelock |
birthday unknown
2008: created a fast and high performing BWT+FCM compressor (Blizzard) |
Osman Turan |
* May 26, 1985
2008: created new algorithm combination LWCX (BIT 0.2) |
Sami Runsas |
birthday unknown
2008: invented fast and high performing LZT algorithm (NanoZip) |
Sami Runsas |
birthday unknown
2008: created fast and high performing CM algorithm (NanoZip) |
Sami Runsas |
birthday unknown
2008: heavily improved BWT algorithm (NanoZip) |
Kaido Orav |
birthday unknown
2008: extended PAQ8 by improving text detection and adding UTF8 detection (PAQ8o10t) |
Andreas Morphis |
birthday unknown
2008: added faster and far better WAV model & WAV detection (PAQ8p) |
Alexey Dubrovsky |
birthday unknown
2008: created an impressive 7z archive optimizer (Ultra7z) |
Jan Ondrus |
* May 10, 1985
2009: added MOD & S3M & AIFF detection (PAQ8PX) |
Jan Ondrus |
* May 10, 1985
2009: improved JPEG detection and compression (PAQ8PX) |
Jan Ondrus |
* May 10, 1985
2009: improved EXE detection and compression (PAQ8PX) |
Jan Ondrus |
* May 10, 1985
2009: added ECM preprocessing to PAQ8 (PAQ8PX) |
Ilya Muravyov |
* July 31, 1984
2009: for his ongoing research of BWT + FCM (BCM) |
Siyuan Fu |
birthday unknown
2009: for his works on LZ + ARI (Countryside Compressor) |
Igor Pavlov |
birthday unknown
2009: created LZMA2 algorithm |
Yann Collet |
birthday unknown
2009: improved LZSS + Huff - fastest compressor ever (ZHUFF) |
Dr. Jyrki Alakuijala |
birthday unknown
2011: created lossless part of new image format (WEBP) |